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Will the AI rollout leave your organisation short of skills?

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
  • Processes for identifying skills shortages as a result of AI tool implementation
  • Planning for upskilling - approaches to resolve skill shortages
  • Shared lessons in overcoming capability crises across the enterprise


Kevin Craine, Host, AI Talk

Pat McGrew, Managing Director,  McGrewGroup

  • Processes for identifying skills shortages as a result of AI tool implementation
  • Planning for upskilling - approaches to resolve skill shortages
  • Shared lessons in overcoming capability crises across the enterprise
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Kevin Craine

Kevin Craine

AI Talk
Pat McGrew

Pat McGrew

Managing Director
Business Reporter

23-29 Hendon Lane, London, N3 1RT

23-29 Hendon Lane, London, N3 1RT

020 8349 4363

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