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The death of the CV

Tom Cornell at HireVue explores how skills-based hiring is revolutionising recruitment


In the rapidly evolving landscape of recruitment, the traditional CV is losing its dominance as businesses increasingly turn to skills-based hiring practices.


The shift towards evaluating candidates based on demonstrable skills and abilities rather than the conventional CV and cover letter is not merely a trend, but a proven strategy that benefits both employers and job seekers.


This transformation is driven by the need to foster a more inclusive hiring process that values actual competencies over superficial credentials previously considered a necessity. 


A degree will not get you the best job 

For the last few decades, employers have been adding degree requirements to positions that didn’t actually need them and it’s time for them to start recognising that too many well-qualified applicants are not making it through the hiring systems due to arbitrary degree and experience requirements.


A degree affords many opportunities for individuals to develop their character and skills, but those who did not go to University may well have done more with different opportunities. The notion of having a degree itself does not guarantee a higher level of capability. 


Why CVs are becoming obsolete

Organisations try to identify ‘the right applicants’ by asking for CVs, which is an archaic approach that should be left in the past. CVs might emphasise academic achievements and previous job titles, but they don’t show a candidate’s ability to perform specific tasks.


CVs can also inadvertently disadvantage certain groups, including those who may have gaps in employment, lack traditional educational backgrounds, or have non-linear career paths. Neurodiverse candidates, for example, might excel in practical tasks but struggle to convey their capabilities effectively on paper.


Chose proven abilities over written stories

Skills-based hiring focuses on what candidates can do rather than what they claim to have done. This approach involves practical tests, project-based assignments, and simulations directly related to the job requirements.


Such assessments provide a clearer and more objective measure of a candidate’s abilities, reducing the influence of biases and ensuring a fairer evaluation process.


Companies across various industries are increasingly adopting skills-based hiring with impressive results. For instance, tech giants and startups alike have implemented coding tests and project assignments as primary evaluation tools. These methods not only highlight a candidate’s technical prowess but also their problem-solving abilities and creativity—qualities that are often overlooked in traditional resumes.


Change the way you interview

Traditional face-to-face interviews often fail to capture the full spectrum of a candidate’s potential. Alternative formats like video interviews offer various ways to evaluate a candidate’s suitability for a role.


Video Interviews offer flexibility and can be more comfortable for candidates who find in-person interviews stressful. They also enable hiring managers to review and assess responses more objectively.


Why businesses should take note

Transitioned to skills-based hiring delivers several significant advantages:

  1. Enhanced diversity: By focusing on skills, companies attract a wider range of candidates from diverse backgrounds. This inclusivity brings a variety of perspectives and fosters innovation within the workplace
  2. Better performance: Employees selected through skills-based assessments tend to perform better as their capabilities have been thoroughly vetted through practical tasks relevant to the tasks they actively complete on the job
  3. Reduced turnover: Hiring the right fit based on skills rather than perceived qualifications leads to greater job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Employees feel more confident and valued in roles that match their actual abilities. They tend to feel a greater sense of pride in the fact that they are a proven fit for the role before onboarding
  4. Efficiency and speed: Skills-based hiring can streamline the recruitment process. Instead of sifting through numerous CVs that are over-embellished, recruiters can quickly identify top candidates through standardised assessments


As companies continue to recognize the limitations of traditional CVs and the benefits of skills-based assessments, the ‘death of the CV’ seems imminent. This transformation not only levels the playing field for all candidates but also aligns hiring practices with the dynamic needs of modern workplaces.


By focusing on what truly matters—skills and competencies—businesses can unlock a wealth of talent and drive their organisations towards greater success.



Tom Cornell is an I/O psychologist at HireVue


Main image courtesy of and ljubaphoto

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