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Building resilience in the workplace

Drawing from her powerful insights, thought leader, spiritual confidant and author Mynoo Maryel shares seven actionable steps to help you cultivate resilience and success in the workplace


In today’s fast-paced work environment, building resilience and achieving success require more than just hard work and determination. It demands a thoughtful approach to managing your emotions, making wise decisions, and maintaining a positive outlook. This approach is essential for navigating the complexities of modern work life, where the ability to adapt and thrive is crucial.


1. Ask the master question: Does it help?

The first step to building resilience is mastering the art of self-inquiry through a powerful question: "Does it help?" This question serves as a compass, guiding your actions and decisions towards those that truly benefit you and your work environment. It helps to filter out unproductive thoughts and behaviours that can undermine your progress.  

  • Does it help to worry?
  • Does it help to get angry?
  • Does it help to take revenge? 

If the answer is "Yes," then proceed with confidence. If it’s "No," then it’s time to pivot. For example, when faced with a stressful situation, ask yourself if dwelling on it will improve the outcome. If not, redirect your energy towards finding a solution.


This simple yet powerful question helps you sift through your reactions, ensuring that your choices contribute positively to your resilience and success.


2. Choose happiness

Happiness is not a fleeting emotion but a conscious decision you make daily. In the workplace, where pressures and challenges are inevitable, deciding to be happy can drastically improve your resilience and overall success. It is a proactive stance that influences how you respond to various situations. 


Rather than second-guessing what might make others happy, focus on what brings you joy and fulfillment. For instance, when faced with a daunting project, choose to see it as an opportunity for growth rather than a burden. This shift in perspective can make your work experience more enjoyable and less stressful, empowering you to face challenges with a positive mindset.


Embracing this mindset can transform your approach to work and enhance your overall job satisfaction. 


3. Live by the H.O.P.E. formula

Resilience in the workplace is closely tied to your ability to maintain a high Happiness Quotient. This can be achieved through the H.O.P.E. formula: Humility, Openness, Possibilities, and Enchantment. Each component of this formula supports a mindset that fosters both personal and professional growth.  

  • Humility: Stay grounded and acknowledge that there’s always something new to learn, even from setbacks. This openness to learning helps you adapt and grow. 
  • Openness: Be receptive to new ideas, feedback, and unexpected opportunities. Embracing diverse perspectives can lead to innovative solutions. 
  • Possibilities: Keep your mind open to creative solutions and new paths forward, especially when faced with obstacles. This attitude fosters resilience in the face of adversity. 
  • Enchantment: Find joy in the small, everyday moments—whether it’s a compliment from a colleague or the satisfaction of completing a task. Celebrating these moments keeps you motivated and connected to your work. 

By embracing H.O.P.E., you create a positive, resilient mindset that not only helps you overcome challenges but also enhances your capacity for success.


4. Cultivate emotional agility

Emotional agility—the ability to navigate your emotions effectively—is crucial for resilience. When challenges arise, it’s easy to become bogged down by negative emotions like frustration or anxiety. However, by applying the "Does it help?" question, you can manage these emotions more effectively.


For instance, if a project isn’t going as planned, instead of succumbing to frustration, ask yourself if that feeling is helping you find a solution. If not, shift your focus to what you can control, such as re-evaluating your approach or seeking advice from a colleague.


This emotional agility enables you to stay resilient and keep moving forward, even when things get tough.


5. Embrace the power of choice

Success in the workplace often comes down to the choices you make. Every day, you’re faced with decisions that can either move you closer to your goals or create unnecessary obstacles. By consciously choosing happiness, as mentioned earlier, you take control of your work experience.


For example, when given the option between tackling a challenging task first or procrastinating, choosing to dive in headfirst can lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and momentum.


Remember, every choice you make contributes to the trajectory of your career, so choose wisely and with intention.


6. Practice mindful reflection

Building resilience also requires regular reflection. Take time to assess your actions and decisions by revisiting the "Does it help?" question. Reflect on your day: What worked well? What didn’t? How did your choices impact your resilience and success?


Mindful reflection helps you learn from your experiences and make better decisions in the future. It also allows you to celebrate small victories, reinforcing a positive and resilient mindset.


7. Foster a growth-oriented environment

Finally, success in the workplace is not just about your personal resilience but also about fostering an environment that supports growth. Encourage your colleagues to ask themselves, "Does it help?" and to choose happiness and H.O.P.E. in their daily interactions.


By promoting these principles, you contribute to a workplace culture that values resilience, learning, and mutual support. This not only enhances your own success but also helps build a more resilient and successful team.


Building resilience and achieving success in the workplace are intertwined goals that require intentional effort and thoughtful strategies. By incorporating these seven steps into your daily routine, you can create a work environment where challenges are met with strength, setbacks are seen as opportunities, and success is a natural outcome.


Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but about navigating them with grace and determination, using these tools to guide you toward a thriving and fulfilling career. 



Mynoo Maryel is a best-selling author, visionary thought leader, business mentor, and spiritual confidant. In her new book, The Flourishing Code!, Mynoo draws upon her inspiring journey to help readers live, share and enjoy a life of aliveness.


Main image courtesy of and JLco - Julia Amaral

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