The Harnessing the Power of Digital for Business Agility ebook by Sapiens is packed full of valuable insights on how insurers from all lines of business and geographies can future-proof their businesses.
Packed with statistics, practical information and superb new case studies, Sapiens ebook, Embedded Insurance: Unlocking Un-tapped Potential, breaks down how to simplify insurance.
In the past few years, the insurance industry – traditionally slow to modernise – has been reinventing strategies and working models to meet the demands of the changing global landscape, from the pandemic to economic and political instability.
Insurers need a way to make better, faster decisions so they can be more efficient, boost speed to payment, and deliver a better customer experience, without increasing the risk of fraud.
As portfolios grow more complex, global regulations increase and investment reporting needs evolve, accounting and finance teams are finding themselves in need of change.
Risk management information systems (RMISes) help companies and individuals involved in risk management mitigate risk through various systems that identify and prioritise it, enable decision making and provide accurate and up-to-date information on risk-related issues.
What if your organisation could access reliable and near real-time hazard data for floods and immediately quantify how it impacts your portfolio? Thanks to ICEYE, the insurance industry has a fast-growing fleet of private synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites at its disposal, providing 100 per cent global coverage, regardless of weather or light conditions.