Created by Enhesa in partnership with Savanta, this whitepaper explores the evolving landscape of corporate sustainability, analysing data from 20 in-depth interviews and two surveys with over 900 senior leaders
Oh-oh, das gibt Ärger mit dem Betriebsrat! Diese oder ähnliche Aussagen hören wir fast immer, wenn wir mit neuen Kunden sprechen und unsere Lösung vorstellen.
Erfahren Sie in drei Referenzberichten aus Transport und Logistik, wie Ihre Branchenkollegen mit Samsara Technologie mehr Sicherheit und Effizienz im Fuhrpark erreicht haben.
By taking a more holistic view of the demands that they are being presented with and a smarter use of technology, GRC teams can not only reduce costs but also improve efficiency. This in turn provides opportunities for people with real expertise to focus on high value-added issues, such as staff development, retention, and risk mitigation.
After the impacts of the pandemic, and the ongoing climate crisis highlighted by COP26 in Glasgow, the next challenge for organisations will be to rethink their reporting processes with a greater focus on environmental, social and governmental (ESG) guidelines.
Packaging is the ultimate tool for differentiation and the first point of contact in store for consumers. It is a strategic element for the brand and must constantly adapt to meet consumer trends.